12/9/18 AM Adult Choir "Mary Did You Know"

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Christmas Carol number 137 do you like to stay with me? And she sending me what time is it?

How good is a celebration time whenever we celebrate on the four Sundays precede and Christmas age colored candle that we have here for the Advent wreath represent one element of the Christmas story and with the V one representing Christ himself as we stop and think about Advent. I don't know if you have done this, but if you go on and you do a search in Google search or whatever search you do on the internet, you will find it. There's many many different aspects of identification with those can Sandra go to stop and reflect on how we recognize those candles I believe. You know who we are waiting the pink candle this morning last week week. We lit one of the The purple ones in recognition of the prophets and prophecy that goes along with that and today.

The girls along with that in Luke chapter 1 verses 26 through 38. If you would just follow along on the wall behind. It says in the six months of Elizabeth's pregnancy. God sent an angel Gabriel a town in Galilee.

undescended the virgin's name was married. The angel went to her.

The Lord is with you. Mary was greatly troubled. Think about that. Your favorite and what was Mary's response? He was true. It is we're just wondering what kind of greeting this might be. But the angel said to her do not be afraid married. You have found favor with God. We see that repeated thing favored one. You have found favor with God and you will conceive and give birth to son. You are to call him. He will be great and will be called the son of the most high the Lord. God will give him the Throne of his father David and he will reign over Jacobs descendants forever. His will never end the question, How is it going to be the Mariachi angel that question since I am a virgin the holy spirit will come on you and the power of the most high will overshadow you so the Holy One to be born will be called the son of God. Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age. And she was said to be unable to conceive is in her six-month right now for no word from God will ever fail when I go to promise. Right? No word. No word from God will ever fail. I am the Lord's servant Mary answered. May your word be that you made your word to me before feel and then the angel left her there's some points that I want to bring out. First of all in verse 26. God was the one who initiated that that connection it was God who initiates A connection between you and him off till we think and you know what? I saw it on God, but before we responded before we saw it on God God was seeking us. He is the one who starts the whole process to be highly favored. The Lord is with you. You know that those words are highly favored has to do with God's grace God's grace being placed on Mary. This was God's grace. It was an act of God's grace. You're in my salvation is an act of God's grace and we seek are those connections the similarities with married. You know, what we see is God coming into this world then all of a sudden the gospel is placed in Mary's in Mary's literal human life for you and me God's grace God's gospel is placed in humanly speaking. We carry the gospel of Jesus Christ. Just like Mary.

also that word favor was talking about Goodwill that is freely given by God it is spread around and it's not it is not just aimed at one person. The concept is is a farmer going out and spreading see the casting it out there. Probably a good picture. That would be sowing grass seed where it what you want to make sure it's evenly spread out and so God's grace here it's talking about

Who was the 27th 2728 I think that's that's where it was repeated. The Lord's favor cuz Mary had some questions there and then it continues on and verse 31 unlike married for us. We are not bearing a child we are born again, but that new life comes as a result of Christ there so many parallel to go. So what are we stop and think about me? In the Advent season, it also reminds us that the gods Advent into this world also continues in our lives in our world. There's there's there's so many similar Jesus Christ as we see in the following verses God is the one who gets the attention is the one who is called great is the one who Reigns on high it is his kingdom that never never end. God's work in many ways is defined as a mystery mystery has been revealed that mystery has been revealed in Believers lives that mystery has been revealed through the life of believe that the focus is not on the police. Just says the focus is not on. The focus is on God's Redemption of mankind God's grace God's kindness and how God in that that first Advent came to a young woman a virgin and God created America. And God continues to do that in the life of believers. The work of the Holy Spirit the power of God Jesus Christ the son of God. There is no word that God gives there is no word of God that ever fails we can take that to the bank. as a believer you can know. That your faith in God will not cause you to be ashamed it may cause some uncomfortable times, right?

That's what we look at you leave your slot. The guy guy that remains faithful and then just like married. Leave me as Believers in Jesus Christ. We are called to be Servants of the most high. And I believe that's where Mary becomes an example for us to follow not only did it. Did she carry the gospel and not only do we carry the gospel not only is God's word faithful. Not only is God's word trustworthy. But also we are called to be servants. That gospel to the world around 1 and then be doing it since Jesus Christ kid. Mary said that her soul glorifies the Lord.

We stop and think about married. Mary was a human just like you and I a falling person person in need of a savior She do that. And her response was my spirit rejoices in God.

You stop and reflect on that second Candle on the second week of Advent. Resonate with Mary and many many different ways. But ultimately we share that same at same truth. We have a savior that is sufficient for our salvation and God has chosen face and believed to be the Avenue for that salvation to be fulfilled in our lives across the bed in this Advent season, you would be once again refreshed in that truth. And I trust and pray that the message of Salvation comes through loud and clear especially through the message that he's going to follow Ultimately, God will get the glory this time. I'm going to give you the opportunity to worship God through the giving of your ties and I believe Scott.

lead us in prayer in the New York

I'm going to join me in prayer, please. Lord thank you for this beautiful morning to give it to us pray that during this Christmas season we would Keep you in the Forefront of our minds is remember to get to your son and thank you for that eternal life if you have threw him. Freddy board for the morning prefer comforting for encouragement healing and wisdom for doctors and treating many different than needs we have. Thank you for the second year. Do we have and pray that they would love to you for wisdom and guiding us? Created as a country. We would love to you.

More praying for you this morning and pray for our wisdom for the youth leaders and for the used in our students ready to give them knowledge and understanding. Bored and it's you would help us to spread your word and good news church for your purpose.

Good morning again, before we start I just stopped and it's really awkward when you go someplace. You're not sure.

Sienna we supposed to sit because we're leaving church service today. So you're going to be part of this service. So just so you understand what to do if I turn around turn around if you feel like the worst.

Ask for a little bit of help because when you practice it was dark outside.

What is given in ER close to a window in your used to have these lines were down to the top of the picture that I didn't think about that?

Is this holiest of season? We look back and remember you think of the world waiting for hundreds of years by month. We think about silence being ended by The Cry of a prophet the proclamation about high priest for the writings of the Scribe is the simple statement of an Angel. You are highly favored. You will have a son Jesus.

We are transported to the Hills near Bethany. And once again an angel appears to be afraid. He says to the shepherds good news today in David City of Savior Jesus Christ. These men at work. Crossroads Grill Racine whitening strips from the Dark Descent trailer midnight in the day, but nothing happens next all the sky exploded.

strippers have been terrified by what

Frases magnify the time is over. Now. I beautiful I could join two doors. I don't know.

We have a song to sing because God has said a senior doing this. Glorious Muse cause Angels guys with braids and said Shepherd searching through the night to finally get your part locations in clothes after you leaving hard with car. the miracle of Emmanuel God With Us

French braids

the angel told the Shepherds What happened? They discovered him lying in the manger? The point of vaccine still rings. I hope and feet after all these years.

Builders Shepherds were the first to worship Jesus that might to disable his brother did not go unnoticed by everyone else at the start of an ounce is coming recognize the sign something incredible that they can place him pressure. I Do Worship

Yeah, that's what it is worth and turn Mary's world upside down. Waiting for his arrival in Bismarck White Pages or not certain. the journey to Bethlehem

search for some kind of place. Where young expected.

Do us the story is filled with joy and wonder we can only guess if it's very experienced the Miracles my steps. In Mary's Hartford steam boiler welding love always.

Married to the pharmacies with, too old and made about the coming of one who would be the salvation of this year. He will be great and will be called the son of the most high. The Lord God will give him the Throne of his father David. Staple backpack. She saw a man how it is easy worship.

The reality the Mary did you know all the details? He didn't know the Wonders he would love more. The people he wouldn't Action Hero that deliver. The way he would care for the poor the yamaka. stories, you would tell the truth even teach what the sacrifice you would one day make She held Jesus and she left. But there was so much about it was beyond.

For those of us who follow the Savior who was born at? how do I destroy I know highest calling is to come to know him better to trust him or to be more like Today, we know the story that took him to a cross. the storywood left an empty tube He is always keeping all over a tree worship.

You are invited today in the common meat. Lasagna come to the major and see him God In the Flesh.

wise men Oh, I believe you let you use the whole new world discover the joy of Christmas with joy that Jesus brings.

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